Every Avatar in Second Life has whats called an Avatar Rendering Cost. What that is basically is how hard a graphics card has to work to make you appear. You ask ok so whats the big deal? Well that lag we all complain about is due in part to your ARC. The downside to looking good! There are ways to lower this without sacraficing too much of your looks. If you wear a high prim, heavily textured piece of jewlry, take it off. Change your poofy skirts and fancy 200 prim heels for a simple pair of sneakers and jeans when your out hunting or shopping in popular stores. Another tip for cutting lag...your Hud attachments are all scripted...the server the sim is on has to process all of those scripts. If its not in use pull it off, you dont need your chim or your radars to shop, take off your weapons and the controls for them if your a roll player outside of your roll plays. If everyone follows these simple steps we can go a long way to making shopping in our favorite spots just a little bit easier. We can never get rid of the lag, but we can do our part not to add to it!
I never have issues with graphics. Only lag I get is server lag. I.E. Taking 2 minutes for a local chat to post, start walking and stop but the avatar keeps on walking, that type of stuff. All you need to watch is scripts. Badly written scripts and alot of scripts in one sim is what causes a vast majority of lag. But in respect to graphics, people don't need to be putting a 1024 x 1024 size texture on everything.