Friday, March 13, 2009

Holy Blinging Bootie Batman!!

Out of boredom I decided to go and give the grid wide random hunt a shot. I was cruising along, grabbed oh the first thirteen items, and then I followed the landmark to this place called 4evah gutta. Now this appears to be a rather interesting, and popular store, as it took awhile to rez. I pulled off to the side so I wasn't blocking the door when the store started to shake. I looked over and I saw this woman with a fidgety ao lighting the way. You can see she is not a what the fug reader or she would have spotted the many tutorials on how to make a shape curvy without being all out of proportion. While I am not big on the whole your shape has to be within certain parameters thing, I do have personal rules about bling! Bling is never necessary, and it can ruin a cute accessory. I loved the bracelets she was wearing, and if they came with the option of turning off the tacky, Id rock them myself. I do like the color coordination between her shirt and shoes, but I would have chose a different color, but I personally don't like wearing lime green. While her belt and other prims are adjusted relatively well,I wasnt big on the whole blinging tease belt. All in all, shes not the worst blinging bootie babe on the grid, but she was enough to catch my camera.

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